Thursday 2 November 2017

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Abonner på Best of VoucherCodesUAE levert direkte til din inbox. ldquoAlliance partnerrdquo skal bety eBay India Pvt Ltd som ldquoeBayrdquo, som har inngått en allianseavtale med ICICI Bank med det formål å tilby tilbudet ldquoCustomersrdquo for formålet med dette tilbudet, skal bety en person som bruker ICICI-bankens nettbankstjenester eller har et gyldig ICICI-bank VISAMASTER-debetkort eller har et gyldig VISAMASTER-kredittkort utstedt av ICICI-banken og som har mottatt kommunikasjon fra ICICI Bank med hensyn til tilbudet ldquoICICI Bank Net Banking Userrdquo skal bety en person som har en ICICI Bank sparingskonto, lånefasilitetskonto, depositorkonto og andre typer kontoer, så opprettholdt med ICICI Bank eller dets tilknyttede konto som er kvalifisert konto (r) for ICICI Bank Netto banktjeneste (r) og som har mottatt kommunikasjon fra ICICI Bank med hensyn til Tilbudet ldquoCard holderrdquo skal bety en kunde som Facility har blitt gitt i kraft av en slik kunde som har et kortkort, betyr kredittkort som er utstedt av ICICI Bank og er gyldig og eksisterer i løpet av programperioden. ldquoOfferrdquo skal bety øyeblikkelig rabattfordel gitt av alliansepartneren ved kjøp av ProductsServices ved hjelp av ICICI Bank DebitCreditGift Card eller Netbanking tjenester ldquoOffer Periodrdquo betyr perioden fra 01 april 2014 til 30 juni 2014, begge dager inkludert Nettsted skal bety følgende nettside for alliansens partner ebay. inicici Void Transaksjoner skal bety hvor transaksjonen har funnet sted men har blitt avvist avbrutt, har mislyktes på alliansens partneres nettside. Primærvilkår og vilkår skal innebære vilkår og betingelser som gjelder for ICICI Bankrsquos interNet Banking facilityservice ldquoProdukterServicesrdquo skal bety goodbenefitsfacilities som tilbys av Alliance Partner. Alle aktiverte vilkår som er brukt, men ikke definert her, skal har re Spektive betydninger foreskrevet for dem i de primære vilkårene. Disse vilkårene (ldquoTermsrdquo) skal være i tillegg til og ikke unntatt de primære vilkårene. I den utstrekning av eventuelle uoverensstemmelser mellom disse vilkårene og de primære vilkårene, gjelder disse vilkårene. ICICI-bankkunder har krav på ytterligere 6-rabatt med en maksimums rabatt på 500 på eBay India-websiden (ebay. in) Tilgjengeligheten av tilbudet er basert på følgende kriterier: For å benytte fordelene under Tilbudet, må ICICI Bank NetBanking UserCard-innehaver foreta transaksjonskjøp på nettstedet ved hjelp av ICICI Bank Net Banking Service (r) i Tilbudsperioden 01 april 2014 til juni 30, 2014, begge dager inkludert Tilbudet gjelder kun for valgt sett med ICICI Bank Net Banking Bruker (e) Kortinnehaver (e) valgt etter ICICI Banks eget valg, og som har mottatt kommunikasjon om Tilbudet fra ICICI Bank, under Tilbudsperioden Deltakelse i Tilbudet fra ICICI Bank Netto Banking Bruker (e) Kortholder (e) er frivillig ICICI Bank Netto Banking Bruker (e) Kortholder (e) kan benytte Tilbudet i Tilbudsperioden eller til lager varer, avhengig av hvilket som er tidligere. Dette Tilbudet kan ikke klubbes med noe annet Tilbud som kan bli gjort tilgjengelig for ICICI Bank Netto Banking Brukerkortinnehaver (e) av Alliance Partner. Tilbudet er ikke-overførbart, ikke-bindende og ikke-overtakbart Tilbudet er ikke gyldig for ugyldige transaksjoner III Tiltak for å benytte tilbudet Besøk ebay. inicici Velg produkter av valg Angi kupongkoden ldquoICICIN2014rdquo for Net Banking, ICICIC2014 for kredittkort, og ldquoICICID2014rdquo for debetkort ved bestilling for å være kvalifisert for rabatten ved utsjekk før du foretar betaling Gjør din betaling via ICICI Bank Nettbank, ICICI Bank Kredittkort eller ICICI Bank Debit CardGift Card IV Vilkår og betingelser forutsatt av Alliance Partner Dette tilbudet er brakt til deg bare av eBay India Pvt Ltd. ICICI Bank kommuniserer kun dette tilbudet på vegne av eBay India Pvt Ltd Tilbudet gjelder for kjøp av alle produkter som vises på nettstedet For å benytte rabatten på ebay. in, ICICI Bank Brukerbanken brukerkredittkort skal legge inn kampanjekoden for å benytte tilbudet. Hvis brukeren av ICICI Bank Net Banking ikke angir promo-koden, vil kunden ikke være berettiget til rabatten Tilbudet gjelder for kjøp av alle produkter på ebay. in fra 1. april 2014 til 30. juni 2014 begge dager inkludert kunden kan ikke klatre to tilbud under samme transaksjon. Rabattfordelen kan ikke kombineres med noen annen salgsfremmende fordel som tilbys for bestilling på ebay. in ICICI Bank InterNet Banking, Kredittkort eller Debetkort kundenes behov for å sitere avtalekode ldquoICICIN2014rdquo for Netbanking, ICICIC2014 for kredittkort og ldquoICICID2014rdquo for debetkort på tidspunktet for bestilling for å være berettiget til rabatten ICICI-bankkortinnehaveren vil bli pålagt å foreta betaling i henhold til prisen som er oppgitt av Alliance-partner på ebay. in Serviceavgifter som gjelder, skal betales av Kunden før du bruker ebay. på nettstedet må kunden lese og forstå brukeravtalen til nevnte nettside og fortsette å foreta kjøp bare hvis kontoinnehaveren er enig i å overholde det samme. Kunden skal være pålagt å gi personlig informasjon og kontoinformasjon online for produktene som er kjøpt på ebay. in ICICI-bankbrukeren bør lese og forstå personvernreglene for eBay India Pvt Ltd, før du gir slik informasjon. Enhver person som benytter dette tilbudet skal anses for å ha akseptert disse vilkårene og betingelsene ICICI Bank og eBay India Pvt Ltd forbeholder seg retten til når som helst uten forhåndsvarsel og uten å tildele noen grunn til å addaltermodifychange eller variere alle disse vilkårene eller erstatte, helt eller delvis, dette tilbudet av et annet tilbud, uansett om dette tilbudet er eller ikke, eller for å utvide eller trekke det helt, er ICICI-bankkortinnehavere anbefalt å gå gjennom personvernreglene for Ebay-nettstedet, før du gir slik informasjon Du (betyr personen som bruker denne kampanjen med det formål å motta sikret gratis gave under ICICI-kampanjen eller eBay-brukeren) bør ikke være i strid med og godta å overholde w i henhold til disse vilkårene, eBay-brukeravtalen, PaisaPay-brukeravtalen, eBay-nettstedets regler og retningslinjer eBay India forbeholder seg retten til når som helst for å endre add remove modifisere (helt eller delvis) noen av vilkårene for amptelike betingelser for dette ICICI-tilbudet, eller å erstatte, helt eller delvis, dette ICICI-kampanjeprosjektet med et annet tilbud, enten det er likt dette ICICI-tilbudet eller ikke, eller å trekke det helt, og eBay-India-avgjørelsen i denne henseende skal være endelig. Alle beslutninger fra eBay India angående løpende prosessresultater, av kampanjen, skal datavalg være endelig og bindende for alle deltakere i denne kampanjen, inkludert deg. Ingen tiltalelser vil bli underholdt i denne forbindelse. I tilfelle situasjoner som oppstår utenfor eBay Indias kontroll, som i eBay Indias mening gjør det nødvendig å suspendere, erstatte, endre eller kansellere Tilbudet, forbeholder eBay India seg retten til å suspendere, endre, erstatte eller kansellerer Tilbudet når som helst uten varsel Hvis eBay India har mistanke eller kunnskap, at enhver aktør har vært involvert i noe bedragerisk eller ulovlig aktivitet knyttet til dette ICICI-tilbudet, forbeholder eBay India seg retten til å diskvalifisere den aktuelle aktøren og eventuelle tilknyttede aktører . Enhver innkommende bruker av eBay-nettstedet som med vilje og med vilje til å skade, bedra eller bedra, legger til en svindelsklag som inneholder falsk, ufullstendig eller misvisende informasjon, kan være skyldig i straffbart forhold og vil bli straffet til lovens fulleste omfang . eBay India forbeholder seg alle rettighetene, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til, å suspendere, blokkere, begrense, avbryte bruker-ID og fjerne alle oppføringer av den opprinnelige eBay-brukeren og dens beslektede bruker-IDer på eBay-siden eBay India skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for problemer knyttet til tekniske , menneskelig feil, uansett f. eks Feil kampanjnummer blir oppgitt av deg eller du blir logget ut av systemet eBay India godtar ikke, og er ikke ansvarlig for, tapt eller forsinket data, kommunikasjon. eBay India minner deg om naturen og begrensningene på Internett og er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle problemer, tekniske feil i ethvert kommunikasjonsnettverk, nettbasert system, maskinvareprogramvarefeil, menneskelig feil, ting utenfor kontrollen av eBay India som kan påvirke inngangsdeltakelse til ICICI Promotion Offer Produktene eller tjenestene er oppført av tredjeparter, som er ansvarlige og ansvarlige for å overholde forpliktelser, kommunikasjon, forståelse inkludert, men ikke begrenset til, garantier, garantier, tjenester (pre, ettersalg) mellom dem og deg, som også Overensstemmelse med gjeldende lov i landet Du forstår og er enig i at deltakelse i Tilbudet er god og tilstrekkelig vurdering for at du skal bli enige og være bundet av disse vilkårene og betingelsene. Alle skatt, inkludert uten begrensning av inntektsskatt (hvis noen) gjelder for Dette tilbudet og belønningsfordelene til dette skal bæres av deg, og du skal deponere det aktuelle beløpet av skatt (hvis noen ) til eBay-kontraktsadministrator gjelder offentlige myndigheter før brukeren kan benytte seg av fordeler, med mindre annet er påbudt i henhold til gjeldende lover. All gavekode skal innløses innen kampanjeperioden. All kommunikasjon med deg vil være på din epost (ID registrert på eBay Site) og eller community board Fordelene under Tilbudet kan IKKE bli bedret med andre tilbud som kjører på eBay-nettstedet, inkludert kuponger eller andre tilbud som er tilgjengelige på eBay-nettstedet. De ansatte og de nærmeste familiemedlemmene til de ansatte i eBay India og dets tilknyttede selskaper er IKKE kvalifisert til å delta i Tilbudet Alle tvister som oppstår som følge av eller i forbindelse med eller som følge av ovennevnte tilbud eller på annen måte knyttet til dette, er underlagt eksklusiv jurisdiksjon til de kompetente domstolene i Mumbai, uavhengig av om domstoler i andre områder har samtidig eller lignende jurisdiksjon V Vilkår og betingelser foreskrevet av Alliansen Pa rtner Vilkår og betingelser forutsatt for ICICI Bank Netto bankbrukere Tilbudet tilbys av alliansepartneren. ICICI Bank kommuniserer kun tilbudet på vegne av alliansepartneren Tilbudet gjelder kun for valgt sett av ICICI Bank Net Banking Bruker (e) valgt etter ICICI Banks eget valg, og som har mottatt kommunikasjon om Tilbudet fra ICICI Bank, i løpet av tilbudsperioden Deltakelse i tilbudet av ICICI Bank Netbanking Brukere er på frivillig basis ICICI Bank Netbanking Brukere kan benytte Tilbudet i Tilbudsperioden eller til varelageret varer, alt etter hvilket som er tidligere. Dette Tilbudet kan ikke klubbes med noe annet Tilbud som kan gjøres tilgjengelig for ICICI Bank Nettbankbrukere av Alliansepartner Tilbudet er ikke overførbart, ikke-bindende og ikke-inkassabelt Tilbudet er ikke gyldig for ugyldige transaksjoner ICICI Bank gjør ikke garantere og gi noen representasjon om nytteligheten, verdigheten og karakteren av rabattfordelen eller av ProductsServices under Tilbudet fra Alliansepartneren. Enhver skatt eller andre forpliktelser eller avgifter som skal betales til regjeringen eller annen lovbestemt myndighetskonsulent eller et deltakende firma, som kan oppstå eller tilfalle ICICI Bank Netto Banking Brukere på grunn av Levering av Tilbudet, skal være alene for ICICI Bank Netto Banking Brukere. Skattemessig fradragsberettigelse fra kilden, hvis noen, på den monetære verdien av Tilbudet, skal betales av brukerne av ICICI Bank Net Banking. Alle problemstillinger ber om klagefeil knyttet til Tilbudet, om noen, skal rettes til Alliance Partner direkte uten å henvise til ICICI Bank. Det samme skal adresseres av e-bay, kun opptil 2 dager etter datoen for transaksjonskjøp. Eksistensen av en eventuell tvist om Tilbudet skal ikke utgjøre et krav mot ICICI Bank og skal adresseres direkte av ebay Eksistensen av en eventuell tvist om Tilbudet skal ikke utgjøre et krav mot ICICI Bank og skal adresseres direkte av alliansepartneren Tilbudet er ikke tilgjengelig uansett hvor det er forbudt og eller på produkter som ikke kan gjøres tilgjengelig for produkter Uansett hvilken som helst grunn ICICI BankAlliance Partner forbeholder seg retten til å endre endring av alle eller noen av vilkårene som gjelder for Tilbudet uten å tildele noen grunner eller uten forutgående intimering overhodet. ICICI Bank forbeholder seg også retten til å avslutte Tilbudet uten å tildele noen grunner eller uten forutgående intimering Hvis ICICI Bank Netto Banking Bruker slutter å være en ICICI Bank Netto Banking Bruker når som helst i Tilbudstidens valuta, vil alle fordelene under Tilbudet skal bortfalle og ikke være tilgjengelig for ICICI Bank Netto Banking Brukerbetingelser og vilkår forutsatt ICICI bank Kredittforkortingskortinnehavere ICICI Bank utelukker ingen garanti eller representerer ikke kvaliteten, leveransen eller på annen måte av varene og tjenestene tilbys av alliansepartneren. Eventuelle uoverensstemmelser eller krav om varer, tjenester og forsikrede gaver må løses av Kortinnehavere med alliansepartneren direkte uten henvisning til ICICI Bank ICICI Bank skal ikke på noen måte være ansvarlig for eventuelle tapskader som kan oppstå for bruk eller på annen måte av tilbud om godstjenester som benyttes av Kortinnehavere under alliansen som tilbys av alliansepartneren ICICI Bank forbeholder seg retten til å diskvalifisere alliansens partnere eller kortinnehavere fra fordelene ved alliansen dersom noen svindelaktivitet er identifisert som båret ut med det formål å benytte fordelene under alliansen eller på annen måte ved bruk av kortet. Tilbudet er sponset av alliansepartneren og kortinnehaverne skal være bundet av vilkårene fastsatt av alliansepartneren i denne forbindelse ICICI Bank skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle forsinkelser eller tap som kan oppstå ved levering av varene og tjenestene. Tilbudet er ikke tilgjengelig uansett hvor proff ibited og eller på varer produkter tjenester som slike allianser ikke kan tilbys for noen grunn, hvilken som helst Alliance Partner skal bety Vector E-commerce Pvt. Ltd referert til som myntra, som har inngått en allianseavtale med ICICI Bank med det formål å tilby Tilbudet. ICICI Bank Net Banking Bruker skal innebære en person som har en ICICI Bank sparingskonto, Kredittkortkonto (e), lånefasilitetskonto (er), depositorkonto (e) og / eller annen type konto (er), så vedlikeholdt med ICICI Bank eller dets Affiliate som er kvalifisert konto (r) for ICICI Bank Net Banking Service (er) og som har mottatt kommunikasjon fra ICICI Bank med hensyn til Tilbudet. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service (er) skal bety InterNet Banking tjenester fra ICICI Bank tilbys til ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Tilbud skal innebære en slik rabatt (e) tildelt av Alliansepartneren ved kjøp av ProductsServices ved bruk av ICICI Bank Netto Banking Services og ICICI Bank Kredittkort eller debetkort i Tilbudsperioden på Nettstedet. Tilbudsperiode betyr perioden fra 1. mai. 2014 og slutter 30. august 2014 begge dager inkludert. Primærvilkår og vilkår skal være de vilkår som gjelder for e ICICI Banks interNet Banking facility service. ProductsServices skal bety goodbenefitsfacilities som tilbys av Alliance Partner. Nettstedet skal innebære følgende nettside for alliansepartneren: myntra. Gyldig Transaksjon betyr enhver transaksjon der transaksjonen har funnet sted, men har blitt kansellert avvist, mislyktes av Alliance Partner. Alle aktiverte vilkår som brukes, men ikke definert her, skal ha de respektive betydninger som er foreskrevet for dem i de primære vilkårene. Disse vilkårene (Vilkår) skal være i tillegg til og ikke unntatt de primære vilkårene. I den utstrekning av eventuelle uoverensstemmelser mellom disse vilkårene og de primære vilkårene og betingelsene, gjelder disse vilkårene. For å benytte fordelene under Tilbudet skal innehavere av ICICI Bank Netto bankkonto og ICICI bankkort foreta transaksjonskjøp på nettstedet under Tilbudet Periode fra 1. mai. 2014 og slutter 30. august 2014 begge dager inkludert. Tilbudet er som nevnt nedenfor: Tilbud. 35 av på alle bestillinger med minimumskjøp på Rs.1399 og over på myntra Tilbudet gjelder kun ved kjøp fra nettstedet myntra Tilbudet gjelder kun for utvalgte sett av ICICI Bank Net Banking Bruker (e) og ICICI-bankkortinnehavere valgt ved ICICI Banks eget skjønn og som har mottatt kommunikasjon om Tilbudet fra ICICI Bank, i Tilbudsperioden. Deltakelse i Tilbudet fra ICICI Bank Netbanking UsersCard-innehavere er på frivillig basis. Brukerne i ICICI Bank Net Banking UsersCard kan benytte Tilbudet i Tilbudsperioden eller til varelageret varer, alt etter hvilket som er tidligere. Tilbudet er ikke-overførbart, ikke-bindende og ikke-bindbart. Tilbudet er ikke gyldig for ugyldige transaksjoner. VILKÅR PRESKRIBERT AV ALLIANSJEPARTNER Dette tilbudet gir berettigede muligheten til å få 35 av en minimumskjøpsverdi på Rs.1399 på Myntra. Dette tilbudet gjelder til 30. august 2014 Dette tilbudet gjelder kun på utvalg stiler og kan ikke gjelde for rabatterte produkter. Dette tilbudet kan ikke klubbes med noe annet tilbud. Ved tilbakelevering av det kjøpte varen, vennligst kontakt kundeservice på 91-80-43541999 eller skriv til retursmyntra. Vennligst se Returpolicyen på vår hjemmeside Myntra forbeholder seg retten til å endre vilkårene og betingelsene for dette tilbudet, inkludert å utvide, trekke tilbake eller avbryte det samme uten varsel, etter eget skjønn. ICICI Bank garanterer ikke og gir noen representasjon om nytteligheten, verdigheten og karakteren av rabattfordelen eller av ProductsServices under Tilbudet fra Alliance Partner. ) Eventuelle skatte - eller andre forpliktelser eller avgifter som skal betales til regjeringen eller annen lovbestemt myndighetskonsulent eller et hvilket som helst deltakende virksomhet som kan oppstå eller tilfalle ICICI Bank Net Banking Brukere på grunn av tilbudet av Tilbudet, skal være til ICICIs eneste konto Banknettbankbrukere. Skattemessig fradrag ved kilden, hvis noen, på den monetære verdien av Tilbudet, skal betales av ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. Alle problemstillinger ber om klageproblemer knyttet til Tilbudet, om noen, skal rettes til Alliance Partner direkte på 91-80-43541999 eller skriv til returnsmyntra uten henvisning til ICICI Bank. Det samme skal behandles av Alliance Partner, kun opptil 5 dager etter datoen for transaksjonskjøp. Eksistensen av en eventuell tvist om Tilbudet skal ikke utgjøre et krav mot ICICI Bank og skal adresseres direkte av Alliansepartneren. Tilbudet er ikke tilgjengelig uansett hvor det er forbudt og eller på produkttjenester som slike tilbud ikke kan gjøres tilgjengelige av hvilken som helst grunn. ICICI BankAlliance Partner forbeholder seg retten til å endre endring av alle eller noen av vilkårene som gjelder for Tilbudet uten å tildele noen grunner eller uten forutgående intimering overhodet. ICICI Bank forbeholder seg også retten til å avbryte Tilbudet uten å tildele noen grunner eller uten forutgående intimering. Hvis ICICI Bank Netto Banking Bruker slutter å være en ICICI Bank Netto Banking Bruker til enhver tid i Valuta for Tilbudsperioden, skal alle fordelene under Tilbudet bortfalle og ikke være tilgjengelig for ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Vilkår og betingelser: I tillegg til vilkårene for slike partnere som gir fordeler til ICICI Bank CreditDebit Card-innehavere, gjelder følgende vilkår for Tilbudet. ICICI Bank utelukker ingen garanti eller representerer ikke kvaliteten, leveransen eller på annen måte av varene og tjenestene eller de sikrede kupongene som tilbys av Alliance Partner på myntra. Eventuelle uoverensstemmelser eller krav om varene, tjenestene og forsikrede kuponger må løses av Kortinnehaverne med Alliance Partner direkte uten henvisning til ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank skal ikke være ansvarlig på noen måte for eventuelle tapskader som kan oppstå uten bruk av eller på annen måte av varer som garanterer gaverprisene benyttet av Kortinnehaverne under Programmet som tilbys av Alliance Partner. ICICI Bank forbeholder seg retten til å diskvalifisere alliansepartneren eller kortinnehaverne fra fordelene av programmet dersom noen svindelaktivitet er identifisert som utført med det formål å benytte fordelene under programmet eller på annen måte ved bruk av kortet. De sikrede kupongene er sponset av Alliance Partner, og Kortinnehaverne skal være bundet av vilkårene fastsatt av Alliansepartneren i denne forbindelse. ICICI Bank skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle forsinkelser eller tap som kan oppstå ved levering av varene og tjenestene eller de sikrede kupongene. Programmet er ikke tilgjengelig uansett hvor det er forbudt og eller på varer produkter som slike programmer ikke kan tilbys av noe grunner. Alliance Partner skal bety R Chrysal Fashions Private Limited for nettbutikken MyBagsDirect som har inngått en allianseavtale med ICICI Bank med det formål å tilby Tilbudet. ICICI Bank Net Banking Bruker skal innebære en person som har en ICICI Bank sparingskonto, lånefasilitetskonto, depositorkonto og / eller andre typer kontoer, så opprettholdt med ICICI Bank eller dets tilknyttede selskaper som er kvalifisert konto (r) for ICICI Bank Net Banking Service (er) og som har mottatt kommunikasjon fra ICICI Bank med hensyn til Tilbudet. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service (er) skal bety InterNet Banking tjenester fra ICICI Bank tilbys til ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Kort skal betegne et ICICI Bank VISA AMEX Master Card Kredittkort og / eller ICICI-bankkort. Ethvert annet kort utstedt av ICICI-bankkortinnehavere skal bety slike kunder som et kort er utstedt til og som har tillatelse til å holde kortet. Tilbudet vil gjelde ved bruk av ICICI Bank Kredittkort, eller ICICI Bank Netto Banking tjenester på ICICI Bank betaling gateway, enten levert av ICICI Bank, eller andre tjenesteleverandører utpekt av ICICI Bank. Tilbud skal innebære en slik rabatt (e) fordeler som Alliansepartner gir ved kjøp av produkter på mybagsdirect ved bruk av ICICI Bank Net Banking-tjenester i Tilbudsperioden på Nettstedet. Tilbudsperiode betyr perioden fra 15. april 2014 til 31. desember 2014, begge dager inkludert. Primære Betingelser og Vilkår betyr vilkårene som gjelder for ICICI Banks InterNet Banking Facility Service. ProductsServices skal bety goodbenefitsfacilities som tilbys av Alliance Partner. Nettstedet skal innebære følgende nettside for alliansepartneren, dvs. mybagsdirect Void Transaction, betyr enhver transaksjon hvor transaksjonen har funnet sted, men er blitt kansellert avvist, mislyktes av alliansepartner. Alle aktiverte vilkår som er brukt, men ikke definert her, skal ha de respektive betydninger som er foreskrevet for dem i De primære vilkårene og betingelsene. Disse vilkårene (Vilkår) skal være i tillegg til og ikke unntatt de primære vilkårene. I den utstrekning av eventuelle uoverensstemmelser mellom disse vilkårene og de primære vilkårene, gjelder disse vilkårene. ICICI Bank kunder har rett til en Flat 33 rabatt på alle bagasjer, ekstra rabatt på Rs. 250 på kjøp av Rs. 2500 og over ved å handle online på alliansens partners nettside mybagsdirect ved hjelp av ICICI Bank Netbanking, betalingskort eller kredittkort for betaling Promo kode: ICICI-250 Tilgjengeligheten av tilbudet til kunden er basert på følgende lokaler Gyldig på ICICI banknetto bankkortindehavere fra 15. april 2014 til 31. desember 2014, begge dager inkludert. Deltakelse i Tilbudet fra ICICI Bank Nettbankforbrukerkredittkort debetkortholdere er på frivillig basis. Kredittkortgjeldkredittkortets innehavere av ICICI-bankkortkredittkort kan benytte tilbudet i løpet av tilbudsperioden. Dette tilbudet kan ikke klubbes med noe annet tilbud som kan bli gjort tilgjengelig for ICICI Bank NetBanking UserCard Holders av Alliance Partner. Tilbudet er ikke-overførbart, ikke-bindende og ikke-bindbart. Tilbudet er ikke gyldig for ugyldige transaksjoner. Steg for å benytte tilbudet Logg på mybagsdirect Velg de valgte produktene Angi kampanjekoden i henhold til det valgte produktet. Gjør betaling ved hjelp av ICICI Bank Nettbank, Debetkort eller Kredittkort Kundestøtte Matrix For alle problemer med hensyn til kjøp og etterkjøp, kan kunder direkte kontakte kundeservice avdeling via deres gratisnummer: 1800-22-2247, mandag til fredag: kl. 11.00 til 7.00 s. m. og lørdag: kl. 11.00 til 3.00 eller via e-post til caremybagsdirect vilkårsbetingelser som foreskrevet av alliansepartner Dette tilbudet tilbys utelukkende av alliansepartner. ICICI Bank kommuniserer kun dette tilbudet på vegne av Alliance-partner. Tilbudet gjelder utelukkende kun for ICICI-bankkunder til hvem tilbudet er formidlet via en hvilken som helst modus (f. eks. E-post, sms, direkte mailer, kredittkortoppsett eller andre kommunikasjonsmidler) Bruk kupongkode på tidspunktet for kassen for å benytte rabatt. Tilbudet kan bare brukes én gang og kan ikke klubbes med noe annet tilbud. Brukeren vil få oppgitt tilbud eller rabatt som er nevnt på produktet, avhengig av hvilket som er høyere. Dette tilbudet er et tidsbegrenset tilbud. Tilbudet utløper kl. 12.00 midnatt 31. desember 2014. Den ekstra rabatten vil være tilgjengelig på D2U-priser eller kurvverdier, dvs. MRP mindre 33. Tilleggskostnader som Gaveinnpakningsavgifter vil også bli inkludert i handlekurven og vil bli vurdert for den totale rabatten. Tilbudet er tilgjengelig på lager og til de varer. Forespørsler om bestemte produkter kan ikke bli underholdt hvis de ikke er på lager. Gratis frakt tilgjengelig kun på kurvverdier utover Rs. 750. Gaveinnpakning vil bli belastet ekstra. Alle kjøpene vil være underlagt våre retningslinjer. Vennligst se vår Avbestillings-, Retureringspolicy, Ansvarsfraskrivelse, Personvern, Leveringspolicy og Vilkår og betingelser Policy før du foretar kjøp. ICICI Bank and Alliance-partner forbeholder seg retten til når som helst, uten varsel og uten å tildele noen grunn Uansett, å addaltermodifychange eller endre alle disse vilkårene, eller å erstatte, helt eller delvis, dette tilbudet med et annet tilbud, enten det er likt dette tilbudet eller ikke, eller å utvide eller trekke det helt ut. Vilkår og betingelser foreskrevet av ICICI Bank ICICI Bank garanterer ikke og gir noen representasjon om nytteligheten, verdigheten og karakteren av rabattfordelen eller av ProductsServices under Tilbudet fra Alliance-partner. Eventuelle skatter eller andre forpliktelser eller avgifter som skal betales til staten eller enhver annen lovbestemt myndighetskonsulent eller et hvilket som helst deltakende selskap som kan oppstå eller tilfalle ICICI Bank nettbankbrukers ICICI-bankkredittkortselskapsinnehaver på grunn av tilbudet av Tilbudet, skal være til den ene side av ICICI Bank Net Banking User ICICI Bank Credit Debetkortholder. Skattemessig fradragsberettigelse ved kilden, hvis noen, på verdien av Tilbudet, skal betales av ICICI Bank Kredittkortskort holderen. Alle problemstillinger ber om klageproblemer knyttet til Tilbudet, om noen, skal rettes til Alliance Partner direkte på caremybagsdirect eller på 1800-22-2247 uten noen henvisning til ICICI Bank. Det samme skal behandles av alliansepartner. kun opptil 15 dager etter datoen for transaksjonskjøp. Eksistensen av en eventuell tvist om Tilbudet skal ikke utgjøre et krav mot ICICI Bank og skal adresseres direkte av alliansepartneren. ICICI Bank forbeholder seg retten til å diskvalifisere programpartnerne eller kortinnehaverne fra fordelene av programmet dersom noen bedrageri aktiviteten er identifisert som utført med det formål å benytte fordelene under programmet eller på annen måte ved bruk av kortet. ICICI Bank skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle forsinkelser eller tap som kan oppstå ved levering av varene og tjenestene eller forsikringsprisene. Programmet er ikke tilgjengelig uansett hvor det er forbudt og eller på varer produkter som slike programmer ikke kan tilbys av noe grunner. Alle kommunikasjonsmeldinger i forbindelse med dette tilbudet skal sendes til kundeserviceavdelingsadresse. MyBagsDirect, R Chrysal Fashions Private Limited, 170304, Ambience Court, Plot nr. 2, Sektor 19D, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703, India. Tilbudet er ikke tilgjengelig uansett hvor det er forbudt og eller på produkttjenester som slike tilbud ikke kan gjøres tilgjengelige av hvilken som helst grunn. ICICI Bank Alliance partner reserve the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking UserCard holder ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking UserCard holder at any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking UserCard holder. Alliance Partner shall mean Falcon Business Resources Pvt. Ltd. Referred as clay. co. in, who has entered into an alliance agreement with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking User shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, Credit Card account(s), loanfacility account(s),depository account(s) and or any other type ofa ccount(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) shall mean interNet Banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Offer shall mean such discount(s) benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of ProductsServices using ICICI Bank Net Banking Services and ICICI Bank Credit Card and Debit Card during the Offer Period on the Website. Offer Period shall mean the period commencing from March 1st, 2014 and ends February 28th, 2015 both days inclusive. Primary Terms and Conditions shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to the ICICI Banks interNet Banking facilityservice. ProductsServices shall mean the goods benefits facilities offered by the Alliance Partner. Website shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner: clay. co. in Void Transaction shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been cancelled rejected unsuccessful by the Alliance Partner. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings prescribed to them in the Primary Terms and Conditions. These terms (Terms) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Primary Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail. Offer Avail Benefit of Rs. 250 on any of the Clay Services Rs. 250 bonus talk time on recharge of Clay Global Prepaid SIM (Applicable on INR 1000 and above) Redemption Process: Landing page to be created for ICICI Bank Customers. ICICI Customers to generate coupon code through landing page. The coupon code will be e-mailed on the e-mail id registered by the customer. Online Purchase: Customer to enter coupon code while making online purchaserecharge. Offline Purchase: Customer to inform Clay Agent, the intent to avail the offer. For postpaid: The offer will be applied once the invoice has been generated. For Prepaid: The offer is applicable on the recharge made above INR 1000 Customer who shall be eligible for the Offer: All Credit Card, Debit Card and Net Banking customers of ICICI Bank. The promotion period may change based on business exigencies and final decision on the program dates to be decided by ICICI Bank. The Offer is valid only for select set of ICICI Bank Net Banking User(s) and ICICI Bank Card holders selected at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and who have received communication about the Offer Contest from ICICI Bank, during the OfferContest Period. Participation in the OfferContest by the ICICI Bank Customers Net Banking User s Card holders is on a voluntary basis. The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable. Terms Condition of Alliance partners Offer is valid till 31st September 2014 This discount offer is available only for selected ICICI Net Banking customers Card holders only The services will only be delivered on completion of the documentation as per DOT norms. Mandatory Documents required: Photocopy of First and Last page of Passport, Signature on the Duly filled Rental Agreement Form, and Scanned Copy of CreditDebit Cards for Validation. In case of Post Paid Services, Scanned copy of Credit Card copy is required for verification and for security authorization. Card holder needs to communicate the intent to avail the offer at the time of buying the VoiceData SIM. The discount on the VoiceData post-paid SIM Cards will be applied during the time of the bill generation. This Promotionoffer under the Promotion cannot be used in combination with any other Clay Telecom offers. Clay Telecom reserves the rights to add, modify, alter, withdraw all or any of the terms and conditions or replace, wholly or in part, without any prior notice. The customerCard holder is not permitted to use Clay Telecom products for any anti-national, illegal, unlawful or abusive purposes. Clay Telecom reserves the right to terminate usage in such an event without assigning any reasons. The Customer will be using various mobile phones and SIM Cards provided by Clay for self-usage and will not transfer them to any third party without explicit written consent and authorization by Clay. The usage made from the connection would be sole responsibility of the user Clay Telecom reserves the right to retrieve the informationcost against the usage from the traveler. All terms conditions of the productservicestariff plans will be applicable. It is important to follow dialing instructions. Clay Telecom holds no responsibility in case of any issue that arises due to incorrect dialing procedure. Roaming charges may apply while using Clay SIM outside the country for which it is contracted for. These plans are not valid for use while you are on a cruise. Calls made on cruisesatelliteremote Island will have additional costs. Calls to Toll Free NumbersDirectory En-quiresand other value added services to the country of travel are chargeable at a premium rate, please check with your account representative for more information. GPRS is pre activated on Clay SIM Cards and charges are as applied by the network. In case of post-paid services bills are raised on a monthly basis and are dispatched within five working days of the expiry of the billing cycle. The customers have payments within 7 days of invoice generation date otherwise the amount will be debited from the Credit to make Card. The incoming caller number will be passed on to the customer subject to availability from the callers service provider Clay SIM Cards are not compatible with Network Locked Phones Blackberry Handsets. In case of loss of SIM Card, the cost of the inventory will be charged. Clay Telecom holds no responsibility of offering the same number to the traveler. In case of loss of SIM Card handset, the usercorporate is requested to intimate Clay ASAP so that SIM can be blocked. The usage on the SIM is customers liability till it is blocked. Also, the user corporate is liable for the lost charges. ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and or character of the discount benefit or of the Products Services under the Offer provided by the Alliance Partner. ) Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Alliance Partner, only up to a period of 2 days after the date of transaction purchase. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by the Alliance Partner. The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI Bank Alliance Partner reserves the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking User ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking User at any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall apse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Terms and Conditions: In addition to the terms and conditions of such partners offering benefits to ICICI Bank CreditDebit Card holders, the following terms are applicable to the Offer. ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the assured vouchers offered by the Alliance Partner. Any dispute or claim regarding the goods, services and assured vouchers must be resolved by the Card Holders with the Alliance Partner directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss damage claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods services assured gifts prizes availed by the Card Holders under the Program offered by the Alliance Partner. ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the Alliance Partner or Card Holders from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. The assured vouchers are sponsored by the Alliance Partner and the Card Holders shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the Alliance Partner in this regard. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured vouchers. The Program is not available wherever prohibited and or on merchandise products services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever. DEFINITIONS Alliance Partner shall mean Vision Care referred as visioncare. co. in, who has entered into an alliance agreement with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking User shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, Credit Card account(s), loan facility account(s), depository account(s) andor any other type of account(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) shall mean interNet Banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Offer shall mean such discount(s) benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of ProductsServices using ICICI Bank Net Banking Services and ICICI Bank Credit Card and Debit Card during the Offer Period on the Website. Offer Period shall mean the period commencing from July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2014, both days inclusive. Primary Terms and Conditions shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to e ICICI Banks interNet Banking facilityservice. ProductsServices shall mean the goodsbenefitsfacilities offered by the Alliance Partner. Website shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner: visioncare. co. in Void Transaction shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been cancelled rejected unsuccessful by the Alliance Partner. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings prescribed to them in the Primary Terms and Conditions. These terms (Terms) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Primary Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail. OFFER To avail benefits under the Offer the ICICI Bank Net Banking User and ICICI Bank Card holders shall be required to make a transactionpurchase on the Website during the Offer Period from July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2014 The discountsoffers are applicable as mentioned below: 1. On Shopping of Rs. 1500- and above get One Pair of Colour lens from Bausch Lomb worth Rs. 1190 - Offer is valid on minimum purchase of Rs.1500- and above All the above offers can be used by ICICI Bank for any of their customer promotions across DebitCredit or Net Banking subject to availability by Visioncare, prior confirmation and intimation to be provided to the Alliance Partner. The offer is valid only on purchases from website visioncare. co. in To avail the discount the customer to use the Promo Code The Offer is valid only for select set of ICICI Bank Net Banking User(s) and ICICI Bank Card holders selected at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and who have received communication about the Offer from ICICI Bank, during the Offer Period. Participation in the Offer by the ICICI Bank Net Banking UsersCard holders is on a voluntary basis. The ICICI Bank Net Banking UsersCard holders may avail the Offer during the Offer Period or until the stock lasts, whichever is earlier. The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable. The Offer is not valid for Void Transactions TERMS PRESCRIBED BY THE ALLIANCE PARTNER1. On Shopping of Rs. 1500- and above get One Pair of Colour lens from Bausch Lomb worth Rs. 1190- Offer is valid on minimum purchase of Rs.1500- and above One coupon can be used for one transaction only. One coupon can be used for one transaction only. GENERAL TERMS ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by the Alliance Partner. ) Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authoritybody or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Alliance Partner, only up to a period of 2 days after the date of transactionpurchase. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by the Alliance Partner. The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI BankAlliance Partner reserves the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking User ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking User at any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Terms and Conditions:In addition to the terms and conditions of such partners offering benefits to ICICI Bank CreditDebit Card holders, the following terms are applicable to the Offer. ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the assured vouchers offered by the Alliance Partner on visioncare. co. in. Any dispute or claim regarding the goods, services and assured vouchers must be resolved by the Card Holders with the Alliance Partner directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss damage claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods services assured gifts prizes availed by the Card Holders under the Program offered by the Alliance Partner. ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the Alliance Partner or Card Holders from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. The assured vouchers are sponsored by the Alliance Partner and the Card Holders shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the Alliance Partner in this regard. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured vouchers. The Program is not available wherever prohibited and or on merchandise products services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever. Flat 6 cashback on international flights booked online, maximum cashback of Rs. 1000 on MakeMyTrip website makemytrip using ICICI Bank Net Banking services Credit Cards or Debit Cards or Gift Cards. Offer on base fare Deal Code: ICICIIF The availability of the offer to the customer is on the following premises: Valid to ICICI bank Credit Card holders and Debit Card holders and Net Banking users from October 01, 2013 to June 30, 2014, both days inclusive Customer will need to enter the promo code as provided to the eligible customers shared by ICICI Bank as the deal code To avail benefits under the Offer the ICICI Bank Customer shall be required to make bookings on MakeMyTrip Website makemytrip using ICICI Bank Cards during the Offer Period from October 01, 2013 to March 31, 2014, both days inclusive Usage limit will be a maximum of 2 (two) international flight bookings per month per Credit CardDebit Card Net Banking services All the offers are valid on the base fare only Cashback would be calculated on the non-air component of the holiday package and will not be applicable on airfares and the taxes. All taxes, including but not limited to airport taxes, visa charges and high season surcharge, are payable by the Card holdersNet Banking user and are not part of the cashback offer The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable The Offer is not valid for Void Transactions Offer Redemption Process: Customer to make the bookings under the Offer shall follow the below process: Online booking process: Customer has to Log on to makemytrip Select the desired option Enter the correct code in Deal Code field before making the payment through ICICI Bank Cards Net Banking Services Terms and Conditions as prescribed by MakeMyTrip: This offer is brought to you solely by MakeMyTrip. ICICI Bank is only communicating this offer on behalf of MakeMyTrip ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by MMT The offer is valid on purchase of Flights ( International), Domestic Holidays (online and Offline), International Holidays on makemytrip using ICICI Bank Credit Card, Debit Cards, Gift Cards, Net Banking services To avail the discount. the ICICI Bank customer should enter the correct code in the Deal Code field. If the ICICI Bank user fails to enter the correct code, the customer will not be eligible for the cash back The cashback offer is valid for the bookings made from October 01, 2013 to June 30, 2014 (Offer Period) The Net Banking userCard holders needs to quote the Deal Code at the time of booking to be eligible for the cashback offer. All Bookings must be for travel from India only The Holiday offers (Domestic and International) are not valid on Flight Hotel bookings made online on makemytrip The cashback offer on International Flight can be availed by the Net Banking userCard holders for a maximum of 2 transactions per calendar month All the offers are valid on the base fare The offer is not valid on International Flights booked for infants (0-2 years of age) Cashback would be calculated on the non-air component of the holiday package and will not be applicable on airfares and the taxes. All taxes, including but not limited to airport taxes, visa charges and high season surcharge, are payable by the Net Banking userCard holders and are not part of the cashback offer Cashback will be calculated on each Booking ID and not on the number of transactions. For example, if a Net Banking userCard holders pays in 2 instalmentstransactions for 1 Booking ID, the cashback will be calculated on basis of the base amount or Card charged amount (whichever is lower) of the Booking ID If the Net Banking userCard holders doesnt receive the cashback amount, heshe can claim for the same within 3 months from the booking date. In the event the Card holders fails to do so, heshe will not be eligible for the cashback amount Offer is not valid on payments made through PayPal account, Cash on Delivery (COD) and EMI Options Within 14 working days following the date of transaction, MakeMyTrip will process a Credit transaction for the cashback amount on to the Net Banking userCard holders Card or bank account For Credit Card bookings, the cashback amount shall be Credited to the same Credit Card as was used for the purpose of making the booking, and will reflect in the monthly Card statements Debit Card and Net Banking customers need to provide account information while booking, so that cashback can be credited: IFSC code (Indian Financial System Code), Account Number, Account Type (SavingCurrent), Account holders name, Bank Name, Branch Name and Bank City Cashback shall be processed to the Bin series provided by the Bank. If the BIN series of the Credit Card does not match with the one provided by the Bank to MakeMyTrip, then the Net Banking userCard holder shall approach the Bank and MakeMyTrip reserves the right to withhold or deny the offer to the Net Banking userCard holder For any Card related claims, the Card holder shall approach the Bank and MakeMyTrip shall not entertain any such claims The Net Banking userCard holder cannot club two offers in the same booking ID. The cashback benefit cannot be combined with any other promotional benefit offered for bookings on MakeMyTrip, except in scenarios where the other benefit is not extendedfunded by MakeMyTrip If the Net Banking userCard holder cancels the travel service purchase after the cashback amount is credited, MakeMyTrip will refund the purchase price after deducting the cashback amount and any other applicable cancellation chargespenalty For example, if a Net Banking userCard holder has paid Rs. 10,000 (price quoted by MakeMyTrip) for a travel service and a cashback of Rs. 1,000 has been credited to the Net Banking userCard holders account, the net amount paid by the Card holder is Rs. 9,000. Thus, if the Net Banking userCard holder cancels the booking, MakeMyTrip will deduct the cancellation chargepenalty from Rs. 9,000 and the balance amount will be credited to the Net Banking userCard holders account User Agreement and Privacy Policy at MakeMyTrip website shall apply Net Banking UserCard holders, who are Travel Agents by occupation, are barred from making bookings for their customers and MakeMyTrip reserves the right to deny the offer against such bookings or to cancel such bookings. For such cases, MakeMyTrip shall not refund the booking amount ICICI Bank and MakeMyTrip reserve the right, at any time, without prior notice and without assigning any reason whatsoever, to addaltermodifychange or vary all of these terms and conditions or to replace, wholly or in part, this offer by another offer, whether similar to this offer or not, or to extend or withdraw it altogether In no event, the entire liability of MakeMyTrip for any dispute arising in connection with this offer shall exceed the cashback amount, Net Banking UserCard holder is entitled to under the said offer MakeMyTrip in no event shall be liable for any incidental, consequential and financial losses in any event whatsoever MakeMyTrip shall not be liable for any claims or grievances solely attributable to the Bank MakeMyTrip shall not be liable for any claims arising due to Force Majeure events or situations beyond MakeMyTrips reasonable control Disputes, if any, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdictio n of the competent courtstribunals in Mumbai only Terms and Conditions applicable to the Offer prescribed by ICICI Bank This offer is brought to you solely by MakeMyTrip. ICICI Bank is only communicating this offer on behalf of MakeMyTrip ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by MakeMyTrip Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authoritybody or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank DebitCredit Card holder, Net Banking user due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank DebitCredit Card holder, Net Banking user. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Card DebitCredit Card holder Net Banking user The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by MakeMyTrip. In the event of any customer claims arising due to any acts and omission on the part of ICICI or claims or fraud related to the CreditDebit Card or Net Banking, ICICI shall be liable to address such disputes. All communication notices with regard to the said claims should be addressed to. Tower A, 243, S. P. Infocity Udyog Vihar, Phase-1, Gurgaon-- 122016 All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly at the below mentioned nosemail ids without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by MMT, only up to a period of 90 days 03 months after the date of transactionpurchase For Flights Hotels Holidays 1800-11-8747 From MTNLBSNL phones Hotels and Holidays ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the - Offer Partners or ICICI Bank Net Banking user from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured gifts prizes The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever ICICI Bank and MakeMyTrip reserve the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever If the ICICI Bank CreditDebit Card holder, Net Banking user ceases to be so at any time during the Offer Period, then all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to such ICICI Bank Net Banking user Offer: Upto Rs. 1000 off How to avail: Shop at cromaretail and select the item as per given product categories. Enter ICICI10P in the Coupon Code field before making payment through your ICICI Bank DebitCredit Card or InterNet Banking account. Validity Period: Offer valid till January 20, 2014 Terms and Conditions: Alliance Partner shall mean Infiniti Retail Limited who has entered into an alliance with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking User ICICI Bank Card holders shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, Credit Card account(s), loan facility account(s), depository account(s) andor any other type of account(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for the purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) shall mean InterNet Banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Card shall mean an ICICI Bank VISA AMEX Master Card Credit Card andor ICICI Bank Debit Card any other Card issued by ICICI Bank Card Holders shall mean such customers to whom a Card has been issued and who is authorized to hold the Card. Offer shall mean such discount(s) benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of ProductsServices using ICICI Bank Net Banking Services, during the Offer Period on the Website. Offer Period shall mean the period commencing from July 17th, 2013 to 31st March ,2014, both days inclusive. Primary Terms and Conditions shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to ICICI Banks interNet Banking facilityservice . ProductsServices shall mean the goodsbenefitsfacilities offered by the Alliance Partner. Website shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner cromaretail The Offer will be applicable on the use of ICICI Net-banking or ICICI Bank Credit Debit Cards. Void Transaction shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been unsuccessful canceled rejected by the Alliance Partner. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings prescribed to them in the Primary Terms and Conditions. These terms (Terms) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Primary Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail. Offer - 1 Shop at cromaretail and Get 10 off (Maximum discount of Rs. 1000 ) with No minimum purchase value for ICICI Credit Debit Card Net Banking users. Offer Period. This Offer shall be valid from July 17th, 2013 to 31st March ,2014 The availability 0f the offer to the customer is on the following premises: Valid to ICICI bank Credit Debit Card holders Net Banking customers from July 17th, 2013 to 31st March ,2014 ICICI bank Customer will need to enter the coupon code ICICI10P to avail the offer. To avail benefits under the Offer the ICICI Bank Net Banking User shall be required to purchase on Infiniti Retail Limited Website cromaretail using ICICI Bank Cards during the Offer Period from July 17th, 2013 to 31st March ,2014, both days inclusive. The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable. The Offer is not valid for Void Transactions Steps to avail the offer: Customer to make the purchase under the Offer shall follow the below process: Online Process Customer has to Log on to cromaretail Select the item as per given product categories Enter ICICI10P in Coupon Code field before making the payment through ICICI Bank Cards. Terms and Conditions as prescribed by Infiniti Retail Limited (cromaretail) This offer is brought to you solely by Infiniti Retail Limited. ICICI Bank is only communicating this offer on behalf of Infiniti Retail Limited. ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by Infiniti Retail Limited. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authoritybody or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank DebitCredit Card holder, Net Banking user due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank DebitCredit Card holder, Net Banking user. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Card DebitCredit Card holder Net Banking user. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by Infiniti Retail Limited. In the event of any customer claims arising due to any acts and omission on the part of ICICI or claims or fraud related to the CreditDebit Card or Net Banking, ICICI shall be liable to address such disputes. All communication notices with regard to the said claims should be addressed to. Infiniti Retail Limited, 201, Ackruti Centre point, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400093 All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly at the below mentioned email id customersupportcromaretail Or call at toll free number 1800 258 3636 without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Infiniti Retail Limited within 7 working days of transaction. Email: customersupportcromaretail ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the - Offer Partners or ICICI Bank Net Banking user from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured gifts prizes. The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI Bank Infiniti Retail Limited reserve the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank CreditDebit Card holder, Net Banking user ceases to be so at any time during the Offer Period, then all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to such ICICI Bank Net Banking user. Alliance Partner shall mean Cleartrip, who has entered into an alliance agreement with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. Customers for the purpose of this Offer shall mean a person who is using ICICI bank ICICI Bank Card holder and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking User shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, loan facility account(s), depository account(s) andor any other type of account(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) shall mean InterNet Banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Card refers to any Credit Card (VisaMasterCardAmex) or DebitGift Card (ElectronMaestroAmex) issued to the Card holder by any issuing bank in India or abroad. Card holders refers to a customer to whom a Card has been issued and who is authorized to hold the Card. The offer will be applicable on the use of ICICI Bank Credit or Debit Card Card, on ICICI Bank payment gateway, whether provided by ICICI Bank, or any other service providers appointed by ICICI Bank. Cleartrip can also use any other gateway for the above said promotion. Offer shall mean such discount(s) benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of Domestic and International flights on cleartrip or Cleartrip app for mobiles, as specified in offer, using ICICI Bank Credit or Debit Card Offer Period shall mean the period commencing from 20th April to 31st August 2014, both days inclusive. Primary Terms and Conditions shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to ICICI Banks Credit or Debit Card. ProductsServices shall mean the goodsbenefitsfacilities offered by the Alliance Partner. Website shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner i. e. cleartrip. Void Transaction shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been canceled rejected unsuccessful by Cleartrip. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings prescribed to them in the Primary Terms and Conditions. These terms (Terms) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Primary Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail. Offer. Get upto Rs. 3000 instant cashback on DomesticInternational roundtrip Flights and Hotels books using on Cleartrip app for mobiles with ICICI Bank Credit or Debit Card. Domestic Flights: Get Rs.600 instant cashback on any Domestic roundtrip flight. International Flights: Get Rs.1200 instant cashback on any International roundtrip Flight. Domestic International Hotels: Get Rs 1200 instant cashback on nay domestic or international hotel of Rs 5,000 or more, booked using Cleartrip app for mobile The availability of the offer to the customer is on the following premises: To avail benefits under the Offer, ICICI Bank customer shall be required to book using Cleartrip app for mobile during the Offer Period. While making the booking, the Customer will need to enter the coupon code as provided to the eligible customers by ICICI Bank The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable. The Offer is not valid for Void Transactions. How to book get instant cashback Download the Cleartrip App available for iOS on the iStore, for Android on the PlayStore for Blackberry on the Blackberry World. Book any DomesticInternational roundtrip Flight Enter Coupon code CTIBPH before making payment with any ICICI Bank Credit or Debit Card. The cashback will be instantly deducted from the total amount payable. Valid for transactions between 20th April and 31st August 2014, both days inclusive. Dates of Travel are completely open. Offer Terms and Conditions as prescribed by Cleartrip To avail of instant cashback you need to enter coupon code before payment while booking. If coupon code is not entered correctly then you will not receive any cashback. Make payment with the relevant payment options as per the Offer not valid for transactions made on IVRPhone with Cleartrip Customer Care. You can avail the offer once. If you transact more than once, you can still book but will not get any cashback on your 2nd transaction. The cashback offer is valid per transaction. In case you book more than 1 adultroomroom night in a single transaction, you will still receive cashback on per transaction basis only. In case you cancel the transaction (in part or full) the entire cashback availed for the said transaction will be deducted from the refund amount. This offer cannot be clubbed with any other cashback offer on cleartrip The product services offered by Cleartrip Private Limited are governed by the terms of use prescribed by Cleartrip on its site cleartrip as amended from time to time. Cleartrip reserves the right to change or withdraw the offer, anytime at the sole discretion of the Management. The terms and conditions of this offer are subject to change without any prior notice. Disputes are subject to Mumbai jurisdiction. Terms Prescribed by ICICI Bank This offer is brought to you solely by Cleartrip. ICICI Bank is only communicating this offer on behalf of Cleartrip. ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by Cleartrip. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authoritybody or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking user due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Credit Card user. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Credit Card user. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by Cleartrip. All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly at the below mentioned nosemail ids without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Cleartrip, only up to a period of 90 days 03 months after the date of transactionpurchase. In the event of any customer claims arising due to any acts and omission on the part of ICICI or claims or fraud related to Credit Card, ICICI shall be liable to address such disputes. All communication notices with regard to such claims should be addressed to ICICI Bank Limited at the address mentioned above. ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the Alliance Partners or ICICI Bank Credit Card user from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured gifts prizes. The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI BankCleartrip reserves the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking userCard holder ceases to be so at any time during the Offer Period, then all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to such ICICI Bank Net Banking userCard holder. These Terms and Conditions (the Terms) apply to and regulate the offer program provided by ICICI Bank to the Card holders on purchase of ICICI Bank Travel Card during the Program Period. These Terms are in addition to and not in derogation to the Terms and Conditions of ICICI Bank Travel Card (hereinafter referred to the Primary Terms and Conditions) and which are available on icicibank. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail. All capitalized terms used herein but not defined shall have the same meaning as specified under Primary Terms and Conditions. Card shall mean ICICI Bank Travel Card, which has been issued by ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI Bank) and is valid and subsisting during the Program Period. Card Holders shall mean a customer who applies for the Card and to whom a Card has been issued by ICICI Bank during the Program Period and who is authorised to hold the Card and who has received the communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Program by way of direct mailer e-mailer sms or through any other mode as per the discretion of ICICI Bank and is eligible to avail the Program. Duffle bag offer shall mean the offer launched and regulated by ICICI Bank for thier Travel Card holders. Program shall mean the offer made available by ICICI Bank to the Card Holders at the time of issuance of the ICICI Bank Travel Card by ICICI Bank during the Program Period at any ICICI Bank Branch or Full Fledged Money Changers selling ICICI Bank Travel Card. Program Period shall mean the period commencing from May 1st, 2014 to June 30th, 2014 (both days inclusive). The Program is valid for the Card holders only and shall be valid and subsisting during the Program Period, unless otherwise notified by ICICI Bank. CICI Bank reserves the right to provide the offer to any Card Holders of its own choice and shall not be held liable to any Card Holders for not providing the same. In order to avail the offer provided by ICICI Bank. the Card Holders shall be required to avail ICICI Bank Travel Card from designated bank branches or select money changers. The relevant offer shall be provided to the Card holders after the required documentation is completed to the satisfaction of Bank. The offer shall be made available to the Card holders by ICICI Bank at the time of purchasing of ICICI Bank Travel Card only. This Card holder shall be entitled to get duffle bag on minimum loadreload on hisher Card by USD 500 or equivalent only. The benefits under Program shall not be made available to the Card holders in the event the Card holder fails to fulfill and abide by the Terms stated herein and or the Primary Terms and Conditions during the subsistence of the Program. The Program has been made available to the Card holder at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and subject to change amendment modification from time to time. ICICI Bank, at its sole discretion, may at any time discontinue the Program without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. C. Other Terms and Conditions The participation in this Program is entirely voluntary and it is understood, that the participation by the Card Holders shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courtstribunals of Mumbai. If the Card Holders ceases to be a Card Holder at any time during the currency of the Program, all the benefits under the Program shall lapse and shall not be available to the Card Holders. All communication notices with regard to this Program should be addressed to ICICI Bank Ltd, ICICI Phone Banking Center, ICICI Bank Tower. 7th floor, Survey no:11527,Plot No.12,Nanakramguda, Serllingampally, Hyderabad - 500032. In all matters relating to the Program, the decision of ICICI Bank shall be final and binding in all respects. The Program is not available wherever prohibited and or on merchandise products services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever. ICICI Bank reserves the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Program or the Card without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the offers made by any third party. Any dispute or claim regarding the same must be resolved by the Card Holders with agency directly, without any reference to ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goodsservices or the offers provided by third party. ICICI Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss damage claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods services availed by the Card Holders under the Program offered by third party. ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the Card Holders from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. The duffle bag offer isare sponsored by ICICI Bank and the Card Holders shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by ICICI Bank in this regard. DEFINITIONS Alliance Partner shall mean Dealskart Online Services Pvt. Ltd.(lenskart)referred as lenskart, who has entered into an alliance agreement with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking User shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, Credit Card account(s), loan facility account(s), depository account(s) andor any other type of account(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) shall mean interNet Banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Offer shall mean such discount(s) benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of ProductsServices using ICICI Bank Net Banking Services and ICICI Bank Credit Card and Debit Card during the Offer Period on the Website. Offer Period shall mean the period commencing from February1st. 2014 and ends June 30th, 2014 both days inclusive. Primary Terms and Conditions shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to the ICICI Banks interNet Banking facilityservice. ProductsServices shall mean the goodsbenefitsfacilities offered by the Alliance Partner. Website shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner: lenskart Void Transaction shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been cancelled rejected unsuccessful by the Alliance Partner. OFFER To avail benefits under the Offer the ICICI Bank Net Banking User and ICICI Bank Card holders shall be required to make a transactionpurchase on the Website during the Offer Period from February1st. 2014 and ends June 30th, 2014 both days inclusive. Offers provided are: February1st. 2014 and ends June 30th, 2014 Rs 1000 off on purchase of RS 2000 and above Valid till 30th June 2014. Offer cannot be clubbed with other offersschemes. Valid only on lenskart. Not Applicable on Premium Brands: Rayban, Fastrack, Arnette, Killer loop, Oakley, Vogue, Carrera, Mau jim, Boss Orange, Tag Heuer, IDEE, Mont blanc Polaroid. Not applicable on Contact Lenses Lens solution. TERMS PRESCRIBED BY THE ALLIANCE PARTNER Valid till 30th June 2014. Offer cannot be clubbed with other offersschemes. Valid only on lenskart. Not Applicable on Premium Brands: Rayban, Fastrack, Arnette, Killer loop, Oakley, Vogue, Carrera, Mau jim, Boss Orange, Tag Heuer, IDEE, Mont blanc Polaroid. Not applicable on Contact Lenses Lens solution. GENERAL TERMS ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by the Alliance Partner. ) Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authoritybody or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Alliance Partner, only up to a period of 2 days after the date of transactionpurchase. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by the Alliance Partner. The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI BankAlliance Partner reserves the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking User ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking User at any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User. In addition to the terms and conditions of such partners offering benefits to ICICI Bank CreditDebit Card holders, the following terms are applicable to the Offer. ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the assured vouchers offered by the Alliance Partner on lenskart. Any dispute or claim regarding the goods, services and assured vouchers must be resolved by the Card Holders with the Alliance Partner directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss damage claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods services assured gifts prizes availed by the Card Holders under the Program offered by the Alliance Partner. ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the Alliance Partner or Card Holders from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. The assured vouchers are sponsored by the Alliance Partner and the Card Holders shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the Alliance Partner in this regard. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured vouchers. The Program is not available wherever prohibited and or on merchandise products services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever. 2) Customer who shall be eligible to the Offer: All ICICI Bank Credit, Debit Card holders All ICICI Bank Net Banking Customers In order to avail the Offer the Customer shall be required to transact through Credit, Debit or through Net Banking on the Alliance Partners Website lenskart during the Offer Period. Communication of the Offer: The Offer shall be communicated to the Customers in such manner as ICICI Bank may deem fit in this regard. Alliance Partner shall mean NSI Global Pvt Limited hereby (Infibeam) who has entered into an alliance with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking User shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, loan facility account(s), depository account(s) andor any other type of account(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for the purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) shall mean InterNet Banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Card shall mean an ICICI Bank VISA AMEX Master Card Credit Card andor ICICI Bank Debit Card any other Card issued by ICICI Bank Card Holders shall mean such customers to whom a Card has been issued and who is authorized to hold the Card. Offer shall mean such discount(s) benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of ProductsServices using ICICI Bank Net Banking Services, during the Offer Period on the Website. Offer Period shall mean the period commencing from November 01, 2013 to June 30, 2014, both days inclusive. Primary Terms and Conditions shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to ICICI Banks interNet Banking facilityservice. ProductsServices shall mean the goodsbenefitsfacilities offered by the Alliance Partner. Website shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner infibeam The Offer will be applicable on the use of ICICI Net Banking or ICICI Bank Credit Debit Cards. Void Transaction shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been unsuccessful canceled rejected by the Alliance Partner. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings prescribed to them in the Primary Terms and Conditions. These terms (Terms) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Primary Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail. The Offer: ICICI Bank Net Banking users Credit Card Debit Card users will be entitled to get a 10 discount (Max discount of Rs. 250) per transaction upon the purchase on Infibeam website, infibeam. Validity: November 01, 2013 to June 30, 2014, both days inclusive. The availability of all the offers above to the customer is on the basis of following premises Valid on ICICI bank Net Banking customer base Debit Card and Credit Card base Customer will need to enter ICICIB10 as the dealpromo code if using Net Banking Credit Card or Debit Card as the payment mode. The offer is not valid on purchase of products listed in Gift Certificate, Magic box, Hot deals, Gold and Silver coins The Offer is valid only for select set of ICICI Bank Net Banking User(s) Card holders selected at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and who have received communication about the Offer from ICICI Bank, during the Offer Period. Participation in the Offer by the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users is on a voluntary basis. The ICICI Bank Net Banking Users may avail the Offer during the Offer Period or until the stock lasts, whichever is earlier. This Offer cannot be clubbed with any other Offer that may be made available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users by the Alliance Partner. The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable. The Offer is not valid for Void Transactions Log on to infibeam Select any product from the option available on the website Enter the promo code ICICIB10in the space allocated for Voucher code during checkout before making payment. Make payment online using ICICI Bank Net Banking, Credit Card or Debit Card Terms and Conditions as prescribed by Infibeam This offer is brought to you solely by Infibeam. ICICI Bank is only communicating this offer on behalf of Infibeam. The Offer is valid only for select set of ICICI Bank Net Banking User(s) Card holders selected at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and who have received communication about the Offer from ICICI Bank, during the Offer Period. ICICI Bank customer will need to enter your promo code ICICIB10 in the space allocated for Voucher Code during checkout before making payment . ICICI Bank customer will need to make the payment through ICICI Bank Net Banking, ICICI Bank Credit Card or ICICI bank Debit Card. This offer is valid on purchase of all Infibeam product except Gift Certificate, Magic box, Hot deals, Gold and Silver coins Maximum discount that can be availed using the promo code is Rs. 250. The offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer All Purchases will have to be made online on the website All disputes related to the offer shall be the subject matter of the jurisdiction of Ahmedabad high court. The prevailing statutory laws of India shall be applicable to the offer. Alliance partner reserves the right to change or withdraw the Offer, any time at the sole discretion of the Management. The Terms and Conditions of this promotion are subject to change without any prior notice. All orders would be subject to availability at the time of purchase and will be governed by the standard terms and conditions on website This offer cannot be combined with any other offer currently applicable on website for the same products. This Offer is made available to the Customers selected at the discretion of ICICI Bank. All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance partner directly by mail to: customerserviceinfibeam without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Alliance partner, only up to a period of 4 days after the date of transactionpurchase. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by the Alliance partner All communication notices with regard to this Offer should be addressed to NSI Infinium Global Pvt Ltd. 9th Floor A Wing Gopal palace Nehurnagar Ahmedabad -380015 Terms and Conditions as prescribed by ICICI Bank ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness andor character of the discount benefit or of the ProductsServices under the Offer provided by the Alliance Partner. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authoritybody or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Net Banking Users. All issues queries complaints grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance partner directly by mail to: customerserviceinfibeam without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Alliance partner, only up to a period of 4 days after the date of transactionpurchase. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by the Alliance Partner. All communication notices with regard to this Offer should be addressed to NSI Infinium Global Pvt Ltd. 9th Floor A Wing Gopal palace Nehurnagar Ahmedabad -380015 The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and or on products services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI BankAlliance Partner reserve the right to modify change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking User Card holders ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking User Card holders at any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User Card holders. Forex Bonus Deposit Bonus Easy Forex Limit your risk. 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